For the lulz, frens. 😜
Democrats tried every dirty trick and resorted to all manner of evil deeds trying to end Donald Trump's 2024 campaign for President, throw him to the wolves and bury him under the prison.
Lamestream fake news media colluded with Democrats, suppressing and deplatforming conservative viewpoints in the news and on social media. Federal agencies acting on orders from the illegitimate Obiden regime conspired against Trump and his supporters. Rogue prosecutors and corrupt, bribed judges oversaw 100 years worth of fake felony criminal charges against Trump and his businesses.
And when all their lawfare and censorship tactics utterly failed, what did they do? They straight up tried to kill the man... twice. But they can't stop The MAGAvelli.
Now they're all about to get fucked with a Saguaro cactus because President Trump's second term will be gloves off, bitches. He can't run again in 2028 and has no reason not to rain hellfire on the vile, soulless morons. And they 💯 deserve it for the laundry list of crimes they have committed against us all! Slimy, treasonous Democrats (and a few Republicans too!) have a biblical reckoning coming when DJT2 is sworn into office (again!) on January 21, 2025.
Arrests, perp-walks, authentic trials on the merits, prison sentences, impeachments, removals from office and 2026 RINO primary challenges await all those who wrongfully persecuted and prosecuted the 45th and 47th President of The United States of America.
Lawyer up, assholes. 🖕
We The People 🇺🇸 are coming for you.