memes +

All for the lulz, frens.



Here he is again, folks. Bet you didn't know you were living through the 3rd Obama administration didya? The man behind the man. The monster behind the monster with his hand (and who knows what else) so far up the ass of the Pretender In Chief that he looks more like a sock puppet everyday. AKA The Illegitimate Resident of the Whitehouse. The Obsequious Occupier of the Oval Office. The Heinous Hair-Sniffing Hectagenarian. The Can't Walk A Fucking Flight Of Steps Senile Senator who should have been impeached when he was VP for extorting the Ukraine government to fire prosecutor Viktor Shokin who was closing in on felon meth-head son Hunter's criminal influence peddling entreprise at Burisma and around the globe... should I go on?


Obama is behind it all leading into the November 2024 election. Playing Pay-No-Attention-To-That-Man-Behind-The-Curtain to Biden's decrepit Geezerd of Oz. Obama's multiple in-person meetings each week with Biden staff are strategic tactics to ensure there is no email trail and no phone records. Attempting to obscure the trail of influence leading back to his doorstep tells the tale: He is still calling the shots and exerting his will to un-Unite the States and sell the broken pieces of our country to the highest bidder.


The traitorous Obiden regime MUST BE STOPPED. And to that end, 100% of funds received from token sales (minus minimal admin/website costs) will be donated to Election Integrity organizations and directly to Republican/Conservative candidates for public office who are working to restore integrity in American politics, to secure American borders and to prosecute those who have committed treason while in office... the true insurrectionists on Team Blue who are trying to destroy our country from within by flooding intentionally-unsecured borders with every uneducated, degenerate piece of trash they can to replace American Citizens at the polls. Give them free shit and they'll vote how they're told to vote.